Check this page frequently to listen and watch previous interviews and to read various blogs and articles on Mr. Russo.
Tom’s interview with Dr. Bob Choat
June 4, 2020 – Check out Tom’s interview with Dr. Bob Choat (The Transformational Grandmaster) and Sofie Nubani (The Queen of Laughter & Wisdom) in Episode 21 of Wisdom Cafe. Tom talked about the genesis of his book There Are No Politics In Heaven and also spent a significant amount of time discussing such topical events as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent protests in the United States.
Tom’s interview with Paul G. Brodie
April 28, 2020 – Check out Tom’s interview with famed podcaster Paul G. Brodie. Tom talked about the importance of collecting both snail mail and email addresses of your audience for lead generation and other cool marketing tips for your book.
Tom’s interview with Shawn Richards
April 24, 2020 – Check out Tom’s interview with Shawn Richards of Blue Sky Consulting. Tom talked about leadership and building a great team especially during times of crisis.
Psychology America with Dr. Alexandra
April 9, 2020 – Check out Tom’s interview with renowned psychologist and clinical director of the Living Well Psychology Center Dr. Alexandra Miller of Sparta, NJ as they talk about how individuals, families, and couples can heal wounds and achieve greater inner peace and tranquility.
February 12, 2020 – Check out Tom’s recent interview with Sonia Ferrell as part of her Living Inspired Leadership Summit. Tom shared intimate stories about his life, where he faced childhood challenges, rode political highs and lows, and how he shifted to being authentic and courageous by finding and sharing his true inner self.
Tom’s latest interview with Carmen LaBerge
December 16, 2019 – Check out Tom’s latest interview with Carmen LaBerge, host of Mornings with Carmen LaBerge on the Faith Radio Network. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and how faith changed his life, for the better.
The Underground Sessions with Pastor Bob Erbig
November 4, 2019 – Check out Tom’s latest interview on The Underground Sessions with Pastor Bob Erbig from Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and discusses a plethora of other topics including faith, current events, politics, and much more.
June 3, 2019 – Check out Tom’s latest interview with Chris Burns on his wildly popular program Becoming Your Greatest Possible Self. Tom’s discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and how his transformation from recovering politician into a born again Christian changed his life forever. Learn practical tools on how you, too, can change your life no matter the circumstances or challenges you face. It is never too late.
May 8, 2019 – Join Engel Jones, creator of 12 Minute Convos, as he chats with Tom about his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven. Engel was born and raised on the Caribbean twin island of Trinidad and Tobago and he loves great conversations. His passion is to help you find Y.O.U.R.S. – Your Own Unique Real Self.
April 28, 2019 – Join Keisha Dixon, The Tapping Queen and creator of the Monetize Your Mind Success System, on her “What About Me” podcast on WJMS Radio as she chats with Tom about his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven.
April 12, 2019 – Check out Tom’s interview on the Sip & Chat Experience Podcast with host Dhylles Victoria. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, as well as the coaching/public speaking opportunities offered for individuals and organizations by his company, Russo Communications, LLC.
Tom’s radio interview with KC Armstrong of WMAP Radio
April 10, 2019 – Check out Tom’s radio interview with KC Armstrong of WMAP Radio, discussing his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven. KC Armstrong is best known for his work as a cast member and producer on The Howard Stern Show, both on radio and television. KC was a permanent fixture on the Stern Show for over a decade. In addition to the radio, KC also had daily appearances on E! Network and CBS throughout his tenure with Howard Stern. He continues to headline nationally at comedy clubs, working with stars such as Colin Quinn, Dane Cook, Damon Wayans and Gilbert Gottfried. KC has used the production skills and talent he groomed over the years to create the 3rd most watched variety show on the Internet, “KCTV”. Now focusing on helping put amazing professionals in the spotlight, he has created this forum to showcase stand out people doing their thing in the business world.
Tom’s first interview on his new book
April 6, 2019 – Check out Tom’s first interview on his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, conducted by Paula Pinto, International Journalist and Social Media Influencer.
Minister’s Toolbox: How A Local Church Helped One Man Beat Suicide
- The Douglas Coleman Show with Thomas Russo Jr and Kristine Raymond.
- Lifestyles with Tia featuring Thomas Russo Jr. of THERE ARE NO POLITICS IN HEAVEN
- Elizabeth Nader of Overcoming Obstacles interviews Thomas Russo, Jr.
- WholeCEO With Lisa G Podcast, Is it wrong to feel sorry for yourself? The answer is no. It’s okay to feel sorry for yourself because it’s a natural human emotion. Join me as Thomas Russo Jr. shares that life is meant to be lived abundantly. Don’t let challenges and imperfections prevent you from living your best life. He also reveals his personal SWOT analysis to go create actionable steps and go 8-layers deep in all areas of your life. And, learn how he pushed past anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide to pursue excellence.
- The BE A FORCE Podcast – Thomas Russo Is A ‘Recovering Politician’, Thoams Russo, Jr. talks about his book ‘There Are No Politics In Heaven: A Recovering Politician’s Guide To Christian Living’. Thomas shares his story of how he was a politician and has not evolved into a speaker, author, and coach. Thomas how we can all find our passion and find ways to find true happiness.
- Marietta Brown interviews Thomas Russo, Jr. about his latest book and more!
- Leadership through faith-based service, Do you aspire to lead and influence others? Join us for a conversation on leadership. Special guest Thomas Russo, Jr. will speak to us about his leadership through faith-based service and how we can inspire, influence, and guide others to participate in a common good.
- Quest Class with Grace Chapel, where they dive deep into a variety of topics and draw from a number of gifted teachers.
- Interview with Dr. Bob Choat (The Transformational Grandmaster) and Sofie Nubani (The Queen of Laughter & Wisdom) in Episode 21 of Wisdom Cafe. Tom talked about the genesis of his book There Are No Politics In Heaven and also spent a significant amount of time discussing such topical events as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent protests in the United States.
- Interview with famed podcaster Paul G. Brodie. Tom talked about the importance of collecting both snail mail and email addresses of your audience for lead generation and other cool marketing tips for your book.
- Interview with Shawn Richards of Blue Sky Consulting. Tom talked about leadership and building a great team especially during times of crisis.
- Interview with renowned psychologist and clinical director of the Living Well Psychology Center Dr. Alexandra Miller of Sparta, NJ as they talk about how individuals, families, and couples can heal wounds and achieve greater inner peace and tranquility.
- Interview with Carmen LaBerge, host of Mornings with Carmen LaBerge on the Faith Radio Network. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and how faith changed his life, for the better.
- Interview on The Underground Sessions with Pastor Bob Erbig from Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and discusses a plethora of other topics including faith, current events, politics, and much more.
- Join Engel Jones, creator of 12 Minute Convos, as he chats with Tom about his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven.
- Join Keisha Dixon, The Tapping Queen and creator of the Monetize Your Mind Success System, on her “What About Me” podcast on WJMS Radio as she chats with Tom about his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven.
- Radio interview with KC Armstrong of WMAP Radio, discussing his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven. KC Armstrong is best known for his work as a cast member and producer on The Howard Stern Show, both on radio and television.
- Interview with Chris Burns on his wildly popular program Becoming Your Greatest Possible Self. Tom discusses his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, and how his transformation from recovering politician into a born again Christian changed his life forever.
- Interview on his new book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, conducted by Paula Pinto, International Journalist and Social Media Influencer.