THERE ARE NO POLITICS IN HEAVEN: A Recovering Politician's Guide to Christian Living

by Thomas Russo, Jr.

If you’ve ever felt lost in your life, with no hope, no options, no direction, and fear so suffocating you couldn’t breathe and wanted to die because it would be easier, then this story is your story.

In his first book, Thomas Russo, Jr. asks you to take a look with him into the mirror of his life, where he faced childhood challenges, rode political highs and lows, achieved external greatness with internal emptiness, confronted the psychological demons within, experienced a religious transformation, and lived to fight another day.

Join him on this rollercoaster ride of newfound faith, hope, perseverance, and the ability to change. By reading this book you will learn about yourself and be able to rewrite your story. There Are No Politics Heaven will allow you the comfort and space to review your life so you can change direction. It is never too late.

J.D. Hayworth

Member of Congress, Arizona, 1995-2007

Jesus told His Disciples, “You must be as wise as Serpents and as innocent as Doves.” That’s great advice for those whofollow a path into politics. But Jesus also has life changing advice for us, saying, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” My good friend, Tom Russo, realized that a few years ago, and his book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, chronicles Tom’sjourney of faith. As a fellow “Recovering Politician,” I heartily recommend it!

Adam W. Brewer

Friend and Fellow Manager/Administrator

Whether it be yin or yang, good or bad, id or ego, life is full of drives and forces; leaving a plethora of choices (big and small) to be made. Knowing Tom for years and seeing, first hand, the impact of some of those choices makes this book even more special to me. There Are No Politics In Heaven is the “behind the music” story of a dedicated public servant and, in this well- written tale, you will read about spiritual redemption from pride, gluttony, envy and more. Are you truly interested in service to others over self or is something else behind your actions? Read this book and I am confident you’ll find out!

Robert H. Springer

Author of Encouragement Daily Basking Ridge, NJ

What do you really want out of life? In his frank and honest discussion, Tom Russo shows us how chasing the world’s idea of success leaves you unfulfilled. With drive and determination, you can accomplish anything; but will you be happy with what you achieve? Sometimes, you climb the ladder of success only to find out it is leaning against the wrong wall. He went the long route but is finally at the right destination. There Are No Politics In Heaven will help you and others avoid these pitfalls. In his look inside the world, Tom learned true inner fulfillment comes from serving others. Learn from the mistakes of others; you don’t have time to make them all yourself. It’s all in Tom’s book. Get your copy today and save yourself a lot of grief!

Dr. Gordon W. Stables, III

Professor of Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California

Tom’s book is both a candid account of his own journey and generous effort to share his wisdom with others. Readers will find themselves as they follow Tom on his path to becoming a better Christian man.

Dr. David E. Schroeder

President Pillar College, Newark, NJ

With engaging vulnerability, Tom Russo tells his story, which is uniquely his and, at the same time, has touching points to yours and mine. Well-written turn-around stories, like this one, are not just entertaining and inspiring — they are prophetic as they lightly admonish us to see a better life we can, and should, live. Tom also shares insightful perspectives on some of life’s most important topics. Enjoy, learn and improve — There Are No Politics In Heaven could well be your turning point.

Sheriff Ed Rochford

Retired, Morris County, NJ

There Are No Politics In Heaven is a must read for anyone looking for a life-changing experience. I have known Tom Russo and his family for over thirty years. He was my Chief of Staff at a 330-member law enforcement agency. Throughout his career, Tom has consistently demonstrated the importance of service over self, public service over politics. This book is a pleasure to read and is a game-changer for those who are willing to look in the mirror and make the difficult and necessary changes in their life with Tom’s wisdom, experience and guidance.

Rev. James Panza

Lead Pastor Grace Chapel, Bedminster, NJ

Raw, vulnerable, telling yet redemptive, hopeful and faith-filled. This is Tom’s story, his God-story, and can be your inspirational story, too!